Philosophy・Medical PoliciesAbout Us

Kaikoukai Healthcare Group Philosophy
Medical Policies of Kaikoukai Healthcare Group
Provide comprehensive medical care. With dialysis care, general medical care, and elderly care as our three main pillars for the present, we will provide “comprehensive medical care” that encompasses health care, preventive medicine, measures for pre-symptomatic stage of diseases, treatment, and rehabilitation.

Establish an ample financial base. In order to secure ample profits, we will constantly work to enhance productivity and eliminate unnecessary expenditures for efficient and rational business operations. Profits ensure the survival of our corporation into the future and enable us to conduct our business activities and also serve as the living and employment costs of our employees for the present and into the future. To this end, whenever the opportunity arises, we will invest in medicine as well as surrounding businesses and research areas.

Patients are our clients. Mutual trust is an important factor in client relationships, and we must depart from the traditional patient to medical practitioner relationship to respond attentively and provide sufficient services. Medical institutions need to have an awareness of the fact that their revenue comes through their clients.

Enhancement of employee training and education to enable the mastery of techniques and knowledge as well as overall judgment is critical. In addition, individual employees must constantly strive to think creatively, asking not what the corporation can do for the employees. By doing so, we can protect the organization from falling into the traps of bureaucracy and conservatism, enabling medical management with a constantly enterprising spirit.

Although we emphasize team medicine, it must be competitive team medicine built on a friendly rivalry and based on the high capabilities of individual employees.

Team and individual evaluations will always be performance-based according to the results achieved, and we will eliminate considerations based solely on seniority or egalitarianism. We will also actively promote bold human resource and personnel appointments.

Constantly research medical policies to determine and anticipate their direction. Research the latest medical techniques and actively acquire information to enable the use of new medical techniques and the construction of systems.

Build a close network with medical schools, medical institutions, and other organizations that are in line with our aims, and work to expand this network.

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